The Biggest Mistake You Can Make In Digital

If you’re considering marketing digitally. Avoid this mistake at ALL COSTS.

Whilst there are many different mistakes, both small and large, there is definitely one you should avoid at all costs.

Which is that you only need a website to succeed online – this is simply not the case.

Your website is just one channel.

In marketing – not just digital marketing, you need to think about every single touchpoint you can have with your audience. Both online and offline.

To create an effective marketing strategy in 2021, it must include a content marketing strategy first and foremost.

Then, look into what channels you could use to amplify your content such as a website, social media, email marketing, influencer outreach, paid advertising and so on.

Marketing digitally is definitely a great way of generating consistent leads and building your brand online.

Especially during these times.

The problem is, too often people don’t develop the right strategy and therefore this results in a waste of money, time, and resources.

Want to adopt 360 marketing?

Start thinking HOLISTICALLY.

When I first started working with my client Sherry Wines, they had absolutely no online presence.

Although their traditional methods such as seminars and events were relevant, they didn’t integrate digital channels into any of their marketing efforts.

This was their biggest challenge and biggest enemy.

I then introduced them to the concept of 360 marketing and since then, they have gone from having no online presence to over 100,000K followers across their social media channels, worldwide. It was because of this work they were able to continue to engage with their community every day when the pandemic struck.

But holistic thinking isn’t just about using both online and offline strategies.

It’s about thinking what your customers do before, during, and after you connect with them, and how you can influence them at every touchpoint through different marketing channels.

During times like these where everyone is connecting digitally, it’s especially important to start building your brand online.

This is how you can really ensure your marketing is done right and creates consistent growth and relevancy.

Remember, digital is only going to get bigger, not smaller. 

So if you’re looking to utilise digital to engage with your audience. Be holistic in everything you do and think 360. 



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